Due to the recent technological advancements, you can now straighten your teeth without braces.
You can now straighten your teeth without braces in less than 4 months on average. It is more cost effective than braces and saves one the hassle and embarrassment of the metal braces showing in your mouth.
We have the latest technology in Cosmetic Dentistry
We use the latest technology called Digital Smile Design.
Dr Huson spends a lot of his time updating his qualifications and going on several courses on Digital Dentistry regularly.
Dr Huson has worked in the Harley Street Region of London in the UK where he dealt with many international clientele and perfected the art of shaping and making teeth look as natural and straight as possible.
We also have an in house lab that helps with designing your teeth so that you can straighten your teeth without braces quickly.

There are three methods in order to straighten your teeth without braces
This is the quickest method as it can take less than 3 weeks to get done. So if you have less time on your hands and would like to straighten your teeth quickly then veneers is the way to go.
This might take around 9 to 12 weeks or more for normal procedures and visits every 2 weeks to the dentist to tighten the mouth guard.
This is also a quicker solution to straighten your teeth rather than traditional braces. Although the disadvantage is that it takes longer than dental veneers to get your teeth straightened. It is also more time consuming with additional visits to the dentist.
When the dentist analyses your teeth he needs to see if this procedure can be done on your teeth. This procedure can only straighten your teeth and not correct a strong overbite.
The third method is traditional braces
This method is the most costly method and you will most probably need to wear braces for over 2 years in order to get your teeth straightened. The look with metal braces in your mouth is also NOT aesthetically pleasing. You will need traditional braces if you have a strong overbite. You will need a dentist to analyse your teeth and give you the best recommendation.
The fastest and most cost effective method to straighten your teeth without braces is Dental Veneers.
However, you still need to chat to your dentist and see if this solution will work for you.

Below is a method of both dental veneers and the clear aligner that was used on a recent patient @silveroaksdentalclinic.
When Sinothando came to us she wanted a quick solution to her long term problem . She wanted to reduce the gaps between her teeth and get them straightened without any long procedures such as braces.
She also had peg laterals. In dentistry this refers to an anomaly affecting her lateral teeth (Upper second Incisors) causing her teeth to look abnormally small and cone shaped compared to being rectangular in shape.
The solution for sinothando was simple orthodontics to pull the two front teeth together thereby straightening them without braces.
Veneers were made to reshape the lateral teeth, again it was a solution to straighten teeth without braces.
She also had minimal surgery called a Frenectomy to relax the muscle in her upper lip which causes the formation of the huge gap in the middle of her teeth.
The biggest advantage of Sinothando’s procedure is that she didn’t lose any tooth structure. Sinothando loves her new teeth and loves to take photographs of herself showing of her new look. Her family say it has made her look more sophisticated and neat. We are very happy that we have helped her regain her confidence.
Call us now or click here to learn more about our dental veneers procedure.