Oral Thrush

Oral thrush, also known as Candidiasis, is a fungal infection that affects the mouth and throat. It is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast known as Candida.  This is a fungus that naturally occurs in the human body.

Symptoms of oral thrush

  • White or yellow patches on the tongue, cheeks, or gums.
  • Soreness on the insides of the mouth.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • A loss of taste.
  • Redness and cracking at the corners of your mouth
  • Possibility of bleeding

There are numerous factors that can increase a person’s likelihood of developing oral thrush.

These include:

  • A weakened immune system due to chronic illness/ fatal diseases/ malnutrition or chemotherapy.
  • Use of certain medications, such as antibiotics or corticosteroids
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Dentures that are not removed before bed/ not properly cleaned.

It is advised that if you suspect that you may have oral thrush, you should seek immediate assistance from your dentist.

Treatment and Prevention

  • Antifungal medication- this can be taken orally or applied topically.
  • You will have to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing, flossing and using a dentist approved mouth rinse regularly.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Visit both the dentist and the oral hygienist once every 3-6 months depending on the extensiveness of your case.

It is important to note that while oral thrush is not considered a serious condition- it can be more severe in individuals with lower immunity levels. If left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of the body which could lead to more serious health complications.

Dental loans by MediFin

In South Africa, many individuals cannot afford private healthcare treatments. Be it a lifesaving operation that is needed or a long-awaited cosmetic procedure, private healthcare is not affordable for everyone.

Paying for healthcare is not easy, especially to low or average-income households. The good news is that Medifin offers medical finance options to patients who require financial aid. Some patients are not able to pay for their treatment due to financial constraints and/or medical aid not covering some of their required and desired cosmetic treatments. MediFin finance offers affordable loans with easy repayment options that are suitable for you as an individual.

How do I apply?

  • Patients will be required to attend an initial consult with a dentist that is accredited to MediFin. This consult will have to be paid by the patient to the dental practice.
  • The dentist will provide you with a quotation for your treatment plan.
  • You, as the patient, are required to submit your quote to Medi fin online https://medifin.co.za/apply-now/ or call them on 086 100 0808 for further assistance.
  • The patient will have to wait for the approval of your loan. Once your application has been accepted by MediFin, they will make payment directly to your dentist within 24 hours.
  • Once payment has been made; your dentists’ dental team will contact you to set up your appointments.

What treatments are covered:


  • A Copy of Your ID
  • Proof of Income
  • 3 Months Bank Statement
  • Proof of Residence
  • A Treatment Quotation from Your Dentist

contact us on 031 202 6584 | silveroaksdentalclinic@gmail.com to book you consult with us and we can assist you with getting MediFin finance to assist with your dental treatment payment.

COVID-19 has no fighting chance at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic

COVID-19 has no fighting chance at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic.

COVID - 19 has no fighting chance at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic

Silver Oaks Dental Clinic follows stringent COVID-19 safety policies and disinfectant practices

Less than 1% of dentists nationwide have tested positive for COVID-19. This is due to safety policies and disinfectant practices of dental offices. Dental health is important not only for your teeth but also because dental infections can lead to other ailments, including heart disease. I am sure just like us, you are all getting used to the new norm and way of living.

One of the many things most of us have been putting off till after the lockdown is dental appointments. We understand your fears of having to remove your mask and open your mouth outside of your home.

The question is, what if it’s an emergency or a broken tooth, pain, discomfort or an upcoming dental implant appointment?

The good news is that we are now fully operational. 

Our team’s constant sterilization efforts assures that you are completely safe in our environment.

We might take a little longer than usual to get through a normal day with all the Covid 19 protocols in place. Our aim is to keep you as safe as possible while you are here.

The virus mainly travels through your mouth and nose so mouth rinsing with an effective solution is very important.

When you come in to see the doctors, we require you to rinse your mouth with a special mouth rinse that contains iodine. Please inform us if you are allergic to iodine and we will give you an alternative. COVID-19 has no fighting chance at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic.

We all know this virus weakens our immune systems and with a weakened immunity we are more susceptible to gum diseases and gingivitis. Now may be a good time to visit the hygienist for a cleaning.

While staying indoors was fun for some, it also proved to be very difficult for many. If you had been affected negatively by this COVID-19 pandemic our thoughts are with every single one of you during this trying time.

We will take care of all your dental needs safely so there is one less thing for you to worry about.

Click on the video to view our fogging system and see the fun that we are having while #stoppingthespread

COVID – 19 has no fighting chance at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic! 

We are using a special fogging system as part of our promise to keep you safe in this environment. This ensures that every nook and cranny is Covid-free!

We use a special solution in the machine to sterilize the air and this reaches every part of our rooms and equipment. This is done daily so that we can start the next day disease free!

This is just one of the many protocols we use to ensure we are doing what we can to #stopthespread.

Call us to book an appointment today!


Life Saving Oral Hygiene Tips during COVID-19

This article discusses life saving oral hygiene tips during COVID-19. Given the current situation that many of us across the world find ourselves in, keeping great personal hygiene has arguably never been more important.

Advice around how to do this is something that we all should take note of.

Life Saving Oral Hygiene Tips during COVID-19

Especially regular handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser gel when this is not possible.

One of the most important things to remember is that doing these things and being as hygienic as possible doesn’t just help protect you, but it also protects those around you.

To help you achieve this, the Oral Health Foundation has provided the following advice to help you avoid catching or spreading the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Never share a toothbrush

No matter whether you are related or how close you are to the people you live with, you should never share your toothbrush with anybody else.

This is one way that viruses and blood-borne diseases can be caught from other people.

For the same reason, you should make sure that toothbrush heads are also kept apart from each other wherever you and the rest of your household store your toothbrushes.

This is one of the most important life saving oral hygiene tips during COVID-19.

Close the toilet lid before you flush

Where you keep your toothbrush is very important. If you store your brush anywhere near your toilet, every time someone flushes, some of the spray will fly out of the toilet and land on your toothbrush.

There has already been research conducted that suggests that the virus can be spread via faecal matter (poo).
So, make sure your brush is a safe distance away from your toilet, or better yet, make sure you close the lid before you flush.

Change your toothbrush regularly

It’s important to change your toothbrush, or brush head, at least every three months. Perhaps even earlier if the bristles become frayed.

This helps to ensure you are brushing your teeth effectively. A worn brush can’t do the job it needs to.

Changing your brush regularly also helps prevent the spread of bacteria. If you have had the coronavirus (or suspect that you may have), get a new toothbrush or brush head. This is also an extremely important life saving oral hygiene tips during COVID-19

Visiting the dentist

Maintaining regular visits to your dental team will always be important. During this period of uncertainty, it is best to always check before any appointments that you have by phoning ahead.

Be prepared for your appointment to either be delayed or cancelled. This is for the safety of both staff and patients. Emergency treatment may still be available but other, more routine procedures, may be postponed for the foreseeable future. To visit the dentist contact us

Clean your bathroom regularly

Our bathrooms are the place where many of us store our toothbrushes, towels, flannels and other intimate items.

It’s also the place we go in order to get clean. So, for obvious reasons, it’s important that the surfaces in your bathroom generally are cleaned regularly using a bleach-based cleaning product.  Cleaning your bathroom is one of the most important Life Saving Oral Hygiene Tips during COVID-19.

Don’t forget to do the basics

Our oral health should always be a priority. In addition to visiting your local dental team when possible, don’t forget the simple day-to-day habits that will help you keep a healthy mouth.

Brush daily with a fluoride toothpaste last thing at night and at least one other time during the day.

Drink plenty of water and cut down on how much and how often you have sugary foods and drinks.

Clean between your teeth every day with interdental brushes or floss and consider using mouthwash.

To follow all Covid guidelines please visit the World Health Organization’s website.

Top 3 Oral Hygiene Tips This Valentine’s Day

These top 3 oral hygiene tips this valentine’s day will make you kiss ready. You always want to make sure that you look your best for Valentines Day.

A person can look great and have a fantastic personality but if that person has bad breath or an unhygienic appearance with regards to their teeth this could be preventing them from finding a spouse or allowing them for their date to say yes to a second date all together.

top 3 oral hygiene tips this valentines day 3


Top tips for date night include the following:

  1. Start by brushing your teeth before you leave the house. Brush thoroughly including your tongue as it harbours the most number of germs. Use a tongue scraper if need be. Floss your teeth and use a mouth rinse.
  2.  Visit your dentist to fix any broken chipped, decayed or missing teeth weeks before valentines or any date night for that matter. You can also whiten your teeth giving it a more clean and youthful appearance.
  3. On date night remember that eating certain foods can cause bad breath such as garlic, onions and other spices. Remember to think twice what you eat during date night especially if you want to leave a positive impression with your date. Snack on apples and other healthy fruit and veggies and eat food containing mint and parsley which help bad breath and probiotic foods.

Other date night tips

  • Use an oxygenated mouthwash
  • Avoid eating alot of candy. Keep it moderate.
  • Stay hydrated
  • Chew on fresh mint leaves or parsley
  • Remember to keep cow’s milk (if you not lactose intolerant) a part of your nutrition diet intake in order to keep your teeth white.
  • Have some red in your outfit – makes a women more attractive.
  • Make sure you groom yourself well. Which includes washed hair and some light makeup to accentuate your features as a women.
  • Gift ideas for a man include a Cologne or great electric shaver. For women a day at the spa is a real treat.

We have given you tips for Valentine’s Day but honestly these teeth tips can be used as part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Your teeth and gums depend on being consistent and brushing and flossing twice a day and going for regular cleanings to your dentist. Also fixing any problems with your teeth. Straighter teeth harbour less bacteria keeping your teeth clean and lasting you a lifetime.

Call us now to learn more to get your teeth cleaned by a oral hygienist

Teeth Whitening Myths Debunked

In this blog we are going to be debunking certain myths that surround teeth whitening.  This discussion will save you a lot of money and prevent your teeth from getting damaged.

teeth whitening debunked

Misinformation About Teeth Whitening

I cannot tell you how much of misinformation there is on the web especially on Youtube with tutorials teaching you ‘how to whiten your teeth’ ‘naturally’ or at home recipes using baking soda, coconut oil or strawberries. There are also a lot of scams out there.

These are strongly discouraged by a dentist as this will erode your teeth in the long term and damage your gum tissue. A lot of patients have come running to our offices with eroded teeth and gums that are damaged due to these so called ‘natural procedures’.

Other Teeth Whitening Myths Debunked

• It is recommended that you whiten your teeth if you are 20 years or older. We don’t recommend teeth whitening for younger individuals as their enamel is still forming.

The most effective teeth whitening procedure is getting it professionally done by a dentist. It is also the safest procedure. At home teeth whitening kits or alternatives such as baking soda, swishing your mouth in coconut oil, brushing with crushed strawberries are dangerous for your teeth and leads to erosion of your enamel. These methods can also damage your gums.

• Whilst teeth whitening toothpaste and whitening gum has some whitening chemicals in them they are far too weak to have an effect in the long term.

Do NOT mouth rinse with hydrogen peroxide. This is extremely dangerous and can cause free radicals. The same radicals that age tissue.

The strongest whitening gel is NOT the most effective method. If you whiten your teeth in one session you will increase the sensitivity and experience severe pain in your teeth. That is why we use lower doses of carbamide over a longer period of time. It is the most effective in the long term as it keeps your teeth white.

To main a healthy, brighter, clean smile in the long term it is important to get your teeth cleaned by an oral hygienist every 6 months.

Avoid Foods That Discolour Your Teeth

Even after whitening your teeth it is best to avoid foods that discolour your teeth such as curry, red wine and coffee. The best method is to drink cool drinks and other stain enhancing foods via a straw

Fillings, crowns and veneers cannot be whitened. Only your natural teeth can.

Once whitened, teeth will not stay white forever. The colour change is permanent but the aging process still continues that is why touch up’s are needed in order to maintain white teeth. That is another reason we use the custom tray method. It is the most effective method in the long term and the most affordable method.

You will not need to repeat the entire procedure again which will cost you more money in the long term. You just need the top up gels.

Medical aid will not pay for any teeth whitening procedure. It is seen as a cosmetic procedure. 

Whitening Your Teeth Is Associated with Good Oral Hygiene

Many people are looking to whiten their teeth as white teeth is associated with good oral hygiene and research has shown that straight, white teeth can make you look years younger. Bright, white teeth are no longer only for Hollywood celebrities. It is now affordable for the average population.

They say first impressions last and whitening your teeth increases your confidence and can make you look amazing on your wedding day, increase your business sales and can even get you your dream job.

teeth whitening myths debunked

Teeth Whitening Procedures At Silver Oaks Dental Clinic

Professional Teeth whitening is a process to lighten the colour of your teeth from yellow or grey to a whiter and brighter shade. There are two types of teeth whitening procedures at our offices – Tray based teeth whitening and LED/Laser teeth whitening. We use a combination of tray and laser based in order to safely and effectively whiten your teeth.

You can lighten your teeth up to 9 shades whiter with our teeth whitening system called Polar Night.

Call us now or click here to learn more about our teeth whitening procedure.


Cost of teeth Whitening in Durban

The cost of teeth whitening at our offices in Durban are both cost effective and of the highest quality. Your teeth will be whitened properly.

cost of teeth whitening durban

A Good Oral Hygiene Procedure Is Important

Brushing, flossing and mouth rinsing is extremely important when it comes to maintaining oral hygiene. Even if you follow that regime consistently you will find with age that you teeth start to discolour and become more yellow. This could also be due to cigarette smoking, drinking wine, eating a lot of curry or eating/drinking other teeth staining foods.

By now if you have decided to whiten your teeth you would have researched online and discovered that dental bleaching at a dentist office is the safest and most effective option. The cost of teeth whitening at our offices are very reasonable when compared to other home teeth whitening kits. The teeth whitening treatment is usually 100% more effective than home whitening kits and much more safer.

You can whiten your teeth on average up to 9 shades lighter with our teeth whitening system. The results are much faster than any other home teeth whitening kits. Unlike at home teeth whitening kits, professional dental teeth whitening procedures are carefully monitored and contain a higher concentration of carbamide. We use stronger bleaching agents that are more effective and safe at our offices.

Teeth Whitening Is Safer at a Dentist Office

Unlike other professional teeth whitening procedures we use lower doses of carbamide over a longer period of time (14 days) followed by a 1 hour laser session. This helps to decrease the tooth sensitivity and so that you have a painless treatment. Another huge advantage of using our teeth whitening system is that you never have to repeat the entire system.

Most dentist office teeth whitening systems cost a fortune as you will need to repeat the entire process. With our system we already created a mouth guard to fit your teeth. You will only need to buy the teeth whitening gel which costs R135 each and you need up to two or three after the teeth bleaching process is completed 6 – 12 months later. This all depends on how much of teeth staining foods you eat.

Cost of Teeth Whitening at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic

The cost for teeth whitening at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic in Durban is R5 300. This includes the 14-day treatment followed by a 30 minute laser session. It is much cheaper than any other system on the market and of the highest quality.

We offer the highest quality in dentistry. Dr Richard Huson has over 20 years of experience in the UK and worked under celebrity dentist Dr Joe Oliver in the Harley Street Region of London (where celebrities get their dental treatments). You are guaranteed work of the highest quality . All our products meet European Standards.

Call us now or click here to learn more about our teeth whitening procedure.

What Is The Best Mouthwash?

Using a good mouthwash is a crucial part of an oral hygiene procedure.

There are tons of mouth rinses out there and it is very difficult to choose the correct one.

Cosmetic rinses control bad breath. Therapeutic mouthrinses provide long lasting bacterial reduction and can be used for conditions such as receding gums, gingivitis, dry mouth and plaque build up.

They are available over the counter or by prescription. It is best to chat to your dentist and he/she can advice on the best mouthrinse for your specifications.

The pioneering work of Sir Joseph Lister changed the way people performed surgery. It is still a basic requirement to use an antiseptic liquids before surgery and to adhere to standards of cleanliness. Listerine is one of the most famous brands of mouthwash but it may not be suited for everyone.

Below are some great alternatives.

Below are the best mouthwashes to use:


Our Oral Hygienist recommends that you use the following three non-alcohol mouthwashes:

  • Listerine Zero
  • Colgate Totalcare
  • Treet It Tea Tree Oil 

You can buy this at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic or any Clicks or Dischem store.

Below are some tips when it comes to mouthwashes:

  • Regular mouth rinsing with a mouthwash helps to keep your mouth germ free, clean and fresh.
  • Daily rinses must be alcohol free (they cause dryness of the mouth)
  • Fluoride rinses help prevent tooth decay
  • It is very important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use the mouthwash.

Brushing and flossing are the best ways to avoid oral health issues like gingivitis. If you add mouthwash into the equation you’re set for success. Mouthwash is an effective tool in the fight against tooth decay, gingivitis, as well as the promotion of healthy teeth and gums. You can use your mouthwash twice daily in conjunction with brushing and flossing your teeth.

You are welcome to call us to book your teeth cleaning appointment with our Oral Hygienist.

Dentist in Kloof

Just 20 minutes away from Kloof lies a world class dental office. The Silver Oaks Dental Clinic truly offers the best in dentistry today, along with outstanding patient service. This option for a dentist in Kloof offers everything from basic dental fillings to advanced cosmetic dentistry options such as Dental Implants and Veneers. The following details are what you can expect from the Silver Oaks as an option for a dentist in Kloof. Dr Richard Huson spent over 20 years in the Harley Street Region of London and has become the go to dentist when it comes to dental implants and dental veneers. He has placed in excess 500 implants and 1000 veneers all with excellent results. Click here to view our smile gallery

General Dentistry

Choosing Silver Oaks for your choice as a dentist in Kloof will provide you access to the highest quality in dentistry using only the best materials that are of European standards. You won’t have any reworking on your teeth in the long term. Furthermore, we endeavour to make our patient’s experience as seamless, comfortable and painless as possible. To do this, we offer a choice of anesthetic options from nitrous oxide happy gas to conscious sedation or full-out general anesthesia. We will discuss during your consult, which option would best suit you.

Cosmetic Dentistry – changing the look of your teeth

If you have generally healthy teeth and just need to perfect your teeth and improve your confidence then our option for a dentist in Kloof is just the right fit for you. Payment plans can be arranged for various cosmetic dentistry treatments. It must be noted that cosmetic improvements to the teeth are not covered by dental plans. The most basic lift you can do for your smile would be to whiten your teeth. This gives the added bonus of youth and good hygiene. Our approach to teeth whitening is a blend of at home bleaching with an in office laser treatment. During the treatment, patients will be given custom fit trays which can be used later on to maintain this newly found brightness.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are another way to change up the look of your teeth. It allows you to straighten and whiten your teeth in one go. Unlike braces that take over 2 years. Veneers can straighten and whiten your teeth in just 2 or 3 appointments over a two week period. Essentially, veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are attached to the front of your tooth. They improve the appearance because they can be shaped and coloured to give the desired outcome. With dental veneers, gaps and discoloured teeth among other issues can be instantly solved. Porcelain veneers do not stain, so with regard to discoloured teeth, the colouring will remain for its lifespan. It takes just 2 visits to the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Kloof to fit the veneers, with a follow up visit for a check-up. Click here to learn more about veneers

Clear Aligners & Adult Orthodontics

The first solution for fixing problematic teeth at our dentist in Kloof would be the Inman Aligner braces. They are clear when worn and removable so that you can attend that important event or meeting without anything on your teeth.  They are used for cases where teeth are not overly in need of orthodontic intervention. The Inman Aligner/Clear Aligner is patented and has a case history of straightening teeth between 10 to 16 weeks depending on the severity of the case. The second solution for fixing problematic teeth from the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Kloof are dental crowns.

Now whereas veneers are placed over the front of the tooth, crowns are placed around the tooth. Dental Crowns are turned to when a patient has lost much of their tooth. This could be due to decay or trauma. The role of the dental crown is to fill up this space and give structure back to the tooth. They do add an aesthetic improvement but they do serve a functional value as well. Dental crowns are milled in-office at Silver Oaks. This means that you could leave with your newly fitted crown in a single visit. Overseas visitors taking advantage of the affordable dental rates at our practice are well suited to our one-day cosmetic dentistry services. The third solution does not relate to problematic teeth but when there is no tooth or teeth at all. If you have lost one or all teeth, then all hope is not lost.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are your saviour at the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Kloof. Dr Richard Huson is a specialist when it comes to Implantology. Besides his medical degree from the University of Stellenbosch, he has a certificate in Implantology from the University of Cambridge. Dental implants give you back a permanent tooth, negating the need for ill-fitting dentures, but also serves to keep your facial features intact. The earlier they are fitted once the loss of teeth has occurred results in lesser loss of bone since the implant helps with the jaw bone not shrinking further. Dental implants are the most extreme dental treatment one can have done. Not everybody will qualify and our dentist will have to do a thorough evaluation to ensure that you meet the criteria. If the go ahead has been given, then your treatment plan and quote will be laid out to you. Implants take the course of several months to complete. A damaged tooth may have to be removed and the area healed before the implant can be inserted. The dental implant is surgically inserted into the jaw bone. It takes a couple of months for the implant to become a firm fixture in the bone. Since the implant is well into the bone, an abutment (which is just an extender piece to the implant), will then be attached. The replacement ‘tooth’ is then attached to the abutment. The replacement is simply a dental crown that is manufactured according to detailed instructions at our clinic. It is a long process to get implants but much of the time is for healing. As with all cosmetic dental procedures, but more especially with the permanence of this treatment, you must ensure to choose a dentist with the relevant training and experience for the best possible outcome which is what you should expect to receive at the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Kloof.

Click here to view more details about dental implants

Protecting your teeth

Using the Silver Oaks option for dentists in Kloof allows you access to getting Max mouth guards. We sponsor the South African Rugby team and the Sharks Rugby team with Mouth Guards. Mouthguards are essential in any contact sport to protect your teeth along with lessening facial trauma. Unfortunately, this is only achieved with a guard that has a proper fit over the teeth. This is what the Max mouth guard serves to do. Silver Oaks is one of the few dentists that offer fitting for the Max mouthguard. The design allows for a custom fit and layers of protection with virtually no interference to your breathing or speech.

Dentist in Hillcrest

Silver Oaks Dental Clinic offers the highest quality in dentistry with the latest technology in order to perfect your smile.

We are based in Musgrave, Durban, with offerings of general and well as cosmetic dentistry. We are a 20 minute drive from Hillcrest. The Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Hillcrest serves to cater to the entire family. Let’s take a further look at the services provided by Silver Oaks as an option for a dentist in Hillcrest.

General Dentistry Information – all of the materials used at our practice are sourced and imported according to the highest quality and meet European standards.

Dr Richard Huson has over 20 years of experience and worked in the UK in the Harley Street Region of London. He currently lives in Hillcrest. Our dentist in Hillcrest is always on par with the latest advancements in dental technology.
We have many options for nervous patients and patients who want a pain free, relaxing procedure. This includes Nitrous Oxide Sedation (happy gas), Intravenous Sedation, or General Anaesthetic. We use the “Wand” (pain-free injections) and have a host of other techniques which will make your experience as pleasant as possible. We are not contracted to medical aid but we do give you a code so that you can claim back from your medical aid.dental veneers pros and cons

Digital Dentistry – has revolutionized dentistry and in particular, the cosmetic side. Digital x-rays are offered at Silver Oaks, with the benefit of much less radiation exposure than from traditional x-ray machines. Digital dentistry also encompasses cosmetic imaging which allows our dentist to show you the various outcomes of our services before it can be performed on you. You can have a say on which you like best and the course of action can then be plotted.

Dental Implants – permanent loss of teeth is no longer something that can only be fixed with those nasty dentures. They are not very comfortable to wear and only worsen with time as the jaw bone shrinks due to lack of support. Dental implants provide permanent relief from this along with a host of other issues. Essentially, they are little pieces of titanium screws that are surgically inserted into the jaw bone. This can be done under conscious sedation or general anaesthesia. Majority of people are candidates for implants but if a case such as weak bone density presents itself, then implants are not an option. Our option for a dentist in Hillcrest, will fully assess the situation during a consult and let you know of a treatment plan should you qualify. At this juncture, we should note that dental implants are the longest and most expensive dentistry procedure. It takes over 3 months for the implant to become bonded into the bone. Once this has happened, the dentist will attach an abutment device to it. This is what the dental crown will then be attached to, and voila, you have a brand new tooth.

Dental Veneers – as far as dental treatments go for cosmetic options, veneers are among the more conservative. It is not too hectic of a process to have them fitted, not much tooth structure is removed and they are cheaper than many other options. These super thin pieces of porcelain material can do wonders once they are placed on the tooth. The shape, size and colour of a tooth can be changed with a veneer. Problems such as stained, crooked or gapped teeth can therefore be fixed with veneers at the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Hillcrest.

Dental Crowns – are used to fix up a tooth that has lost much of its structure. Cases in which they help include decay which has made its way deep into a tooth. In such an instance when removal of the decayed portion leaves a huge deduction of tooth material, crowns serves to bring back this lost structure. At the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Hillcrest we are able to do this restoration within a day. Our onsite laboratory allows us to work closely to ensure that measurements are precise and perfectly in line with our design. With dental crowns as well as veneers, the dentist needs to be an artist of sorts. You want that perfect smile but it also needs to look natural and complement the rest of your facial features. It is a pretty bold move putting all this into the hands of a dentist. At the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Hillcrest, in addition to having a professional who has worked at the famed Harley Street in London, there is also the security of liaising with him and having input in the design of your dental crown through digital imaging. This is software that allows the dentist to show you the various outcomes of what crowns or even veneers can achieve for your smile. This will then be relayed into your treatment plan.

Teeth WhiteningTeeth whitening is the most basic cosmetic improvement one can do for their smile. In addition to looking physically pleasant, they also bring the advantage of looking younger (since teeth do discolour as one ages) and having good hygiene. Teeth whitening is achieved over 3 visits to the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Hillcrest. These include a combination of bleaching trays to use at home and a laser at the clinic. The combination is done for the ongoing maintenance of the attained colour for a longer time.

Clear  Aligners and Orthodontics – for the milder cases of teeth straightening, the Silver Oaks option for a dentist in Hillcrest, offers the Inman Aligner. Straighter teeth is just 10 to 14 weeks away with this patented teeth straightening system. The length of time would depend on each patient’s circumstance. The course has proven very effective and safe within the short span of time in which it takes to work, offering great value for money. It is not a permanent attachment and can be removed if need be.

Mouthguards – are a service provided by your friendly Silver Oaks dentist in Hillcrest option. Custom made guards from the Max brand are available here. They are custom fitted so they fit perfectly over the teeth and offer better protection all while allowing for speech and breathing.Oral Hygienist in Durban