Please complete the form below prior to your visit…
Name *
Surname *
E-Mail Address *
Contact Number *
Date of Birth & ID Number *
Have you travelled in the last 14 days? If yes, which place? *
Do you currently have flu like symptoms? *Select from the list...YesNo
Have you been exposed to anyone with the COVID-19 virus? *Select from the list...YesNo
Have you attended a healthcare facility where patients with COVID-19 infections are being treated? *Select from the list...YesNo
Have you experienced at least ONE of the following symptoms recently? *No symptoms at allCoughSore throatShortness of breathRedness of eyesBody achesLoss of smellLoss of tasteNauseaVomitingDiarrheaFatigueWeaknessTiredness
Have you been hospitalised recently with severe Pneumonia? *Select from the list...YesNo
I hereby declare to the best of my knowledge that the information disclosed is correct at the time of completion. I further undertake to inform THE PERSON THAT I AM VISITING should i be diagnosed with COVID-19 within the next 14-days so as to facilitate contact tracing. *
Message (Optional)