Dental Implant Aftercare

Dental Implant Aftercare

Dental Implant Aftercare Guide

It is important to follow Dental Implant Aftercare instructions. They are there to help you heal quickly.

Avoid Hot Drinks

Take care to only have cold drinks and do not eat until the local anaesthetic has worn off. Avoid hot drinks or hot food for the first day and do not ‘swill’ liquid over the area. Try not to disturb the area with your tongue or fingers. Do not undertake strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours (running / gym)

You may have some swelling and/or bruising following your treatment – this usually reaches a peak 2 to 3 days later. This is quite normal and both will subside naturally after a few days. Swelling can be reduced with ice packs (or a bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a towel. Hold on the cheek area for a maximum of 10 minutes at a time with 20 minutes break. After 24 hours gentle heat is more beneficial. Sleeping propped up slightly on 2-3 pillows may also help.

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Take Your Pain Killers On Time

Pain should not be a big problem. Although you may be sore for a few days after any surgery in your mouth, this can be easily managed with simple analgesics (pain killers). You should take these regularly at the maximum stated dose for the first 2 days after your surgery. Take whatever painkillers you normally take for headaches, aches and sprains (ibuprofen and paracetamol make a good combination), and take your first dose before the local anaesthetic has completely worn off.

Beware If You Experience An Increase In Pain and Swelling 

If after a few days you experience increasing pain and swelling, you must return to your dentist as soon as possible so that we can ensure you are not beginning to develop an infection. If you have a denture that covers the surgical area please wear it as little as possible for the first week to protect the surgical site during its initial healing period. You should always leave the denture out at night.

The stitches are dissolvable but often remain for around 2-3 weeks, if they are uncomfortable you may contact us to remove them.
Some minor bleeding after surgery in the mouth is normal. If this persists, apply pressure by biting firmly down over the area on a dampened gauze swab or clean handkerchief for 60 minutes whilst sitting upright

Do not keep checking or changing the gauze. You should contact us if bleeding persists for any reason after applying pressure in this way. If you have been given a course of antibiotics to take after your surgery, please ensure that you complete the course.

Keep Your Mouth As Clean As Possible

Successful oral surgery depends on keeping the mouth as clean as possible. Please start to use the mouthwash you have been given on the evening of your surgery and continue for 1 week. This is very important. You should gently bathe the surgical site by holding approximately 15 ml over the site (the equivalent of half a cap-full) for at least 1 minute, 3 times a day, for 7 days

You should also start cleaning your other teeth as normal with a toothbrush, starting on the evening of your surgery. Avoid brushing the surgical site for the first few days, but then begin to carefully clean this area with a toothbrush as well, once tenderness permits. Warm salt mouthwashes (a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt) are very beneficial for healing in the first week but taste awful. Ensure that the mouthwash is not so hot that it scalds and then hold the hot mouthwash over the surgical site until it cools. Repeat as often as possible.

Keep Food Away From The Surgical Area For As Long As Possible

Try to keep food away from the surgical area for as long as possible. Rinse following eating to keep the area clean.

Avoid Smoking

You are advised not to smoke until the wound has healed as this severely limits healing in the mouth. We want your recovery to be as smooth and pleasant as possible. It is vital to follow these instructions very carefully – if you have any concerns or questions regarding your progress, please do not hesitate to contact us. An out of hours contact number is always available on our answer phone.

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