a dental implant vs a dental bridge

A Dental Implant Vs A Dental Bridge

To replace lost teeth you have the option of adding a dental implant or a dental bridge. Which option will work for you more? A dental implant VS a dental bridge? This article discusses this question.

Please note: the best person to offer advice on these options is your dentist. He will take an x-ray and analyse your teeth then give you a treatment solution. His advice supersedes this article. The best solution will depend on your dentist’s analysis and the patients budget and time constraints.

The pic below shows a dental implant vs a dental bridge

a dental implant vs a dental bridge


dental implant vs dental bridge (2)

The patient above had dental implants placed at Silver Oaks Dental Clinic.

To replace lost teeth you have the option of adding a dental implant or a dental bridge. Before dental implants most people used a bridge to replace lost or missing teeth.

These days it is easier to replace your teeth with a dental implant.

Firstly, you need to file down adjacent teeth if you need a bridge whereas with a dental implant you don’t need to do that.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dental implant vs a dental bridge

The cost of dental implants are more expensive in the short term but in the long term it works out cheaper.

Depending on your budget it might be more viable in the short term to get some of your teeth done with dental implants and if a number of teeth on one side needs to be filled then a bridge might be a better option.

Dental Implants are a better option if you have individual or missing teeth.

If you have big gaps on either side then it might be better to add a dental bridge.

dental bridge might be a more destructive option. In other words the adjacent teeth need to be prepared by removing most of the enamel in order to fabricate the bridge.

The advantages and disadvantages of both procedures should be discussed with your dentist. As he will first need to analyse your teeth and then suggest a treatment option with you. 

Your ability to keep your mouth clean will be better with a dental implant.  You can brush and floss as normal with an implant as it acts as a natural tooth.

Dental Bridges are a little more complicated as it is cemented or ‘fixed in the mouth’  which involves at least three crowns connected together to fill the space of the missing tooth. That design creates challenges so you will have to brush meticulously. 

Dental Implants are more durable than bridges.

Dental Implants can last a lifetime whereas dental bridges last around +- 10 years.

With regards to the aesthetics both options provide amazing aesthetics.

When could a dental bridge be a more viable option?

  • If you already have crowns on either side than adding a 3 unit bridge might be more viable as this would result in no surgery and all three teeth would match
  • When neighbouring teeth have large fillings or structural damage then you will need crowns in the future so a dental bridge might be a better option in this case.
  • When you have periodontal disease or when a bone graft is not possible due to a defect than a bridge might be an option.

Call us now or click here to learn more about our dental implants procedure.

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